World Class Fishing Awaits
White Sea Bass Fishing at MagBay Lodge

MagBay Lodge Covid 19 / Sport Fishing Update

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We wanted to write this as a new report and an update on what is going on down in Baja CA Sur as far as Covid 19 and Big Game fishing. Lets start with the fishing. As of today, the yellowfin tuna have shown up with water temps of 78 degrees. This is above average for this time of year but is a great sign for a good season. We expect the Wahoo to show in large numbers very soon. Because of the shutdowns everywhere, inshore fishing has been off the charts as the loacl commercial guys have not been able to do their thing as normal both from lower buyer demand as well as local shutdowns. We believe there are Wahoo out on the Ridge even now, but no one has gone after them as of yet. We are already seeing some marlin and dorado as well. White seabass was a big hit late spring and were in...
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Marlin Fishing Mag Bay

MagBay Fishing December 2019

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Marlin Fishing, Wahoo Fishing, Tuna Fishing, Mahi Fishing and More! See Pics at the end of Post: Well, we did our best to get reports out this year, but it was one busy season. This year fishing in Magdalena Bay, Baja Ca Sur has been nothing short of incredible. From Wahoo Fishing, to Marlin, Dorado and tuna there was non-stop action all year round. Marlin Fishing The marlin schools started in Nov, and as of today Dec 24th, 2019 they are still going strong. We had 0 days looking for marlin without finding them. Most days we could release 20 marlin or more with many days closer to 50 marlin. The biggest day fly fishing for marlin was a release of 21 marlin on fly gear. We had several groups of people looking to target marlin on the fly and every group everyday caught and released...
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Marlin in MagBay

Mag Bay Fishing September 2019

It is turning out to be an epic year in Mag Bay. The water is fishy everywhere we look with almost too many dorado, insane amounts of marlin, tuna when you find them, and wahoo at the ridges and now appearing in open water. This September was without a doubt a hot fishing month for Magdalena Bay. We were now out the entire time, but had quite a few trips that I will highlight below. Early September we brought our some kayak fisherman that were able to land a couple marlin and do very well on the dorado. They also had an inshore day where they had a balst running a huge stretch of magroves and pulling out a variety of species. Later in the month the marlin showed up with a vengeance. One trip landed 31 marlin in one day with three anglers and 2 crew. Limits of dorado were possible...
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wahoo fishing mag bay

Mag Bay Fishing August 2019

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It is turning out to be an incredible season. We have done 2 dive trips that both resulted in limits of fish for the divers from Wahoo, to Tuna, Yellowtail Grouper and Dorado. We have done 3 fishing trips including one incredible kayak fishing experience with Salt Junkies. More to come on that. This just a brief update to let you all know that the wahoo is going off. The tuna and dorado are easy game right now with tuna to 30lbs or more in some cases. Big Wahoo and lots of them out on the Ridge, big yellowtail and grouper by simply dropping down jigs. Dorado, everywhere we turn, its just truly great right now and we are hoping and expecting it to remain through the season. Oh yea, and 2 blue marlin on the kayks – not too shabby! Look for a better report in the next two weeks for...
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