World Class Fishing Awaits

Magdalena Bay (aka Mag Bay)…

is remote and mostly unknown even to baja travelers primarily because there has never been an easy and well understood route. Plus the accommodations have been minimal. We are here to show you how easy it is now and answer some frequent questions. The fact that Mag Bay still remains a hidden secret is fine with us, we love the small town and absolutely amazing fishery that is offered to us with very little fishing pressure.

We have taken the liberty to compile and answer some questions that are common, but if you have any additional questions not found here please do not hesitate to contact us.  We will answer any questions you might have about our premier sport fishing Lodge here in Mag Bay.

  • How Many Rooms Are There?

  • Does the Lodge have Wifi?

  • Is their a Laundry Facility?

  • Is alcohol included?

  • What should we bring?

  • Can we drink the water?

  • Is it safe in San Carlos?