Arrival October 28, 2022 Departure November 3, 2022 Fishing 5 days total 3 Days Offshore whaler 1 day south Whaler 1 days inshore mangroves panga Staying Bed n Breakfast Group of 4 people pickup in loreto on oct 28th - return on the nov 3nd includes all meals and non alcoholic beverages
Charter w/ MagBay Lodge SA de CV - Bed and Breakfast Isabellas Suite 2 nights Charter w/ MagBay Lodge SA de CV - fishing south to Mangroves panga fishing bring gear and goofy jugs rapalas, spoons, etc Does not include transportation or meals, Does include drinks, snacks and lunch on the boating day customer might stay one more night, might fish one more day mangroves or south to roosters
Arriving 11/12/2022 Departure 11/19/2022 Transportatin to and from Loerto Airport Staying at Isabella's Fishing 11/13, 11/14, 11/15, 11/16, 11/17, 11/18 Cape Horn Meals, and Non Alcholoic drinks Arrive Loreto on November 12 at 2:15 Pm Alaska Airlines flight #342 Depart Loreto on November 19 at 3:25 PM Alaska Airlines flight #1148
Arriving November 13, 2022 Departure November 18, 2022 Needs transportation from Loreto Airport 3-4 people 3 days offshore fishing 1 day inshore fishing Fishing offshore November 14, 15,16 Fishing inshore November 17 Hydra Sport Main House All-inclusive (non-alcoholic drinks) Flights -Alaska from LAX on Nov 13 flight number 342 landing in Loreto at 215pm. No flights on the 18th so we will stay one night in Loreto and fly home on the 19th
Russell Brown + 3 guests 3 day fishing trip / 5 night lodging Boston Whaler Island House allergies to Beef, Eggs, peanuts, rice, and broccoli. Son is allergic to beets/eggs/rice - Hijo tiene alergia a remolacha/huevos/arroz cuidado por salud por favor
Arriving November 17, 2022 Departure November 23, 2022 Transportation to and from Cabo (Needa early transport on the 23rd) Procat and Conquest 4 days fishing total - 3 pangas (2 days) Offshore Fishing on the 18,19,20, Inshore fishing on Procat 21, and 22 with 3 pangas Main House Flight information Departure flight American Airlines AA2115 9:06am
Arriving November 27 Departing December 4 Pick up from Loreto airport and return to Loreto airport Shuttle to the island houses 3 Boats, Both Boston Whalers, and ProKat 5 days of fishing on 11/28, 11/29, 11/30, 12/1, 12/2 Both Island houses Party of 9 All-inclusive, meals, drinks (non-alcoholic)
Arrive Dec 4th Depart Dec 8th 2022 Pick up and Return to Loreto All Inclusive meals and lodging for 4 nights at main home in San Carlos for 6 people Fish 2 Days ProKat Offshore 1 Day 2 Pangas Inshore Main House
Arriving December 4, 2022 Departing December 10, 2022 Pick up and Drop off Loreto Airport Island House All-inclusive (non-alcoholic drinks) 3 days offshore 2 days inshore fishing for 4 people. Fishing on December 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 Fish out of two pangas (2 people per panga). One panga would solely be flyfishing and the other would be a combination of flyfishing and conventional gear. (Julie and Stehpen signed waivers)